Is it the weather or are all 3 year old's acting crazy lately?! It seems that Bryce and I fought on EVERYTHING today. It was my day off, so I decided I should do the grocery shopping today and get my oil changed as well. I kept Bryce on his daily schedule and even waited until after his nap to venture out. He had a MASSIVE tantrum in Walmart today and it just plain wore me out! He started in as soon as we got there and landed himself in "time-out" (at the store we have time-outs in the cart and we actually have to sit in the strap) He was flailing uncontrollably and drooling goobers everywhere since he wouldn't stop crying/yelling. He kept trying to hit me and grab my shirt. I could have taken him to the bathroom and spanked him (which we DO believe in...) but really it would not have helped. I've realized that this kid will continue at any cost to get what he wants. I simply explained that if he stopped crying he could get down...and of course he wouldn't. Finally he got out and we continued the shopping with a pirate sword until he started trying to sword the cans on the shelves until he landed himself in time-out again. He was flailing so wildly that I thought he was going to collapse the cart-he was shaking the entire thing. It's so frustrating to have tantrums in public places like that when we are trying to accomplish a task. There are so many different looks that you get; we've got the "That sucks for you" look, the "wow, that parent doesn't have any control and walk away" look and then there are some that give you the "keep at it" look and then finally and in particular was the priceless look of the worker who thought he was going to see someone beating a child as he turned into the isle" look. I felt like I could crawl under a rock and I just wanted to get outta there. Needless to say....I didn't come home with as many groceries as I had intended and you better believe we didn't get the pirate sword. Come to find out tonight when Bryce was bathing...he has several bruises in the middle of his back where he was throwing himself backward into the cart seat and it looks as if he has been beaten. strong willed child....
Just thought I should mention that we actually get into fights because I will have my hair down and he wants it up and won't stop until he gets it. Just a battle of wills...
We then made a yummy comfort dinner together--Sweet and Sour Chicken. BEST HOMEMADE CHINESE YOU WILL MAKE (as least for me thus far)
Cut 4-5 bonelss skinless chicken breasts into 1 inch pieces. Mix 1 egg, 1 tbls corn starch, 2 tsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp. salt and a dash of white pepper into a bowl. Stir in chicken and refrigerate 20 min.
In separate bowl, mix 1/2 c. all purpose flour, 1/2 c. water, 1/4 c. cornstarch, 1 tbls oil, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. baking soda. Dip chicken into batter to coat and deep fry for ~4 min. or until golden brown
For sauce: Buy sweet and sour sauce and add onions, pineapple and or green peppers and heat through. You can add pineapple juice to mix to make it thinner and thus make it go further as well.
I also like to make my own rice on the stove according to directions. I add peas, carrots, onions, eggs, soy sauce and s & p and its so yummy!!
After a lot of trials of getting him to read with dad, and getting him to stay in bed, he has finally given up about (9:45) So much for mommy or daddy time, it's stinking bed time!
Here is a random, but useful tip: You can use 1/2 as much laundry detergent as is says...I use Tide and there are markings on the cup that says 1,2,3..... I always use 1/2 of line 1 for my large loads and my clothes smell just as good as I would have if I filled it all the way (yes, they are clean too!) This tip makes your detergent last twice as long--and if any of you know, laundry detergent isn't cheap! Thanks to mamma Oney for passing that info a long time ago. Hope you don't think I'm crazy, but if you are a penny pincher you should give it a try!
Got this verse emailed to me today and I like it and will share in a minute, but first...did you know what God said when he made us???
Every step of the way, God looked at what He had made and said it was good. But after he made human beings, when He had finished everything, He looked at it all and said it was "very good." Then on the seventh day God rested, and He blessed that seventh day and set it apart from the rest.
"Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better."
~ Colossians 1:10
We are so important to God and I think sometimes we need reminders of that. ;)
Bye for now, and onto the rest of our crazy week!! I work till 9 tomorrow, freshman game thursday, varsity game friday, work saturday and then to osky for some family and birthday party time!